I like living.
I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.
-- Agatha Christie
I Fly 4 Funn
When once you have tasted flight, you will always walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward. For there you have been, and there you will always long to be. Leonardo da Vinci
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Remember Bob from Thanksgiving? Well, this is his Mother. I think I'm seeing a pattern?!
Actually, she's one of the sweetest, kindest ladies that you would ever want to meet. And this was just posed. Bob did a great/good/fair job getting all/most/ some of the turkey carved today with his choice of carving utensil, a steak knife.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
If you like airplanes, aircraft, flying(of any sort), history, etc.... then you should enjoy the link below. A good friend send it through TTTmail. Well worth the watch. You may learn something, I did.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
The Christmas party pictures are up already. Thanks to Dan Barker's expedient work. Kudos to him. Below is the link:
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Tonight's Lookout Mtn. Flight Park's Christmas party turned out nicely. The salmon wasn't smoked, it was grilled. It was pouring rain today, and smoking it would have taken wayy to long to be ready for dinner this evening. I hope that everyone enjoyed it. Doris bought the biggest & freshest fillets. They were almost 3 pounds a piece. With some garlic, butter & lemon juice,,,,mmmm! :^} The ham, and all the sides, and delectable devil eggs, and outstanding desserts,,,,couldn't be beat with friends all around. There was even a nice fire to take the chill off. Doris ringing the dinner bell .
I ate, and took more portrait shots tonight than anything. I would like to have a shot of everyone that lives here, so we can have a sort of index, or a directory, or sorts. Not with #s or addresses, but to put a name with a face. I'm sure all the new pilots that are coming through, would appreciate it.
The rest of the pictures from tonight, should be posted on Dan's website in a day or so. Will let you know when that happens.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Lookout Mountain Flight Park is having it annual Christmas party, tomorrow night(Saturday night, Dec. 20th), at 7pm at the pavilion.
The menu will be: Smoked Salmon(giving it my best shot), side dishes brought by whom ever would like to bring something special, cases of beer & some wine will be on~hand, and some desserts by our famous dessert specialist,Susan. Please bring a side dish to accompany the main courses.
I'm also going to be taking portraits for anyone that would like to have one made, free of charge, again this year. I don't have a professional rig, with light packs,etc.... however, lot of people think that I do a pretty good job.
Come be a part of the fun & festivities.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Lucas Ridley Wins $15,000 first place prize, for his ExcedrineXpressgels Hang Gliding commercial.
Thanks everybody!
It has been incredible to get so much support from this awesome community! Even if I didn't win this contest it still would have been incredible because of all the support I've had here. You all are great and its because of everyone's help that this was possible.
Can't thank everyone enough - it's one of those things you don't think can actually happen and it has!
I am so thankful this holiday season!
Much Love to everyone!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
John & Dale Stokes, S.O.A.R. South, have a bird show at Rock City most of the year. In their off times they present shows at schools, and other functions around the nation. Their numbers are below, if you could use something different for your activities.
Below is an email that they sent out for members of our community. I'm sure if you mentioned where you read this, they would honor the rates.
Are you looking for a unique experience to spark your new year, or a different kind of gift?
How about a Raptor Experience, a close encounter with the bird kind (ha,ha).
Seriously, Dale and John Stokes are offering a 2-3 hour hands on session with their birds. Handle a hawk, owl or even a small falcon (Kestrel) - how about a romp around with Cayce, the bombastic Vulture.
Learn how Dale and John train their birds and use actual falconry techniques as they fly their Hawks in the woods. Have a hawk fly to you or present a lure to a hawk and witness an incredible flight as the bird snatches it in mid-air, sound like fun?
For a tax deductible donation of $35 (bring a "flock" of folks and get a discount), you can have a Raptor experience, plus your donation will aid SOAR (Save Our American Raptors) with enclosure upkeep, food, vet costs and a Peregrine Falcon release project.
Call for your appointment, or gift certificate for a friend, at 706 657 3278 (Home) or 423 605-8917 (Cell), you can also contact Doris.
Dale and John Stokes
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Alabama Hang gliding has a new site. Here's a short clip from there.
Ricker is the pilot, and I think he is on a speed run,,gesshh,,, he gets drilled all the way to the chicken house LZ. One of the best set up areas around. Top landable also,,from what they say.
Email below, from Jeff Wilson.
I've posted some clips of Sunday's day of uneventful flying at the new Dunn site.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
All of the Hope for the Holiday pictures have been posted on Dan's website, for all to enjoy.
Here's the link:
Tonight was Ann's annual Toy's 4 Tots, and Hope for the Holiday's party. There were lots of toys and cash given to the needed families by the hang gliding pilots of Lookout Mountain Flight park, again this year.This is a shot of some of the folks that showed up tonight.
When a bunch of hang glider folks get together,,they are hard to beat ! I do know some paraglider pilots that fit in okay, also. Just kidding.
Friday, December 12, 2008
How would you feel if someone you loved was in this Jeep? Well, my Dad was in it. He wasn't hurt at all, however, it totalled it. He didn't call me because he was fine. I was upset when I found out. I felt that he should have called,,,however, how do you give your Dad a time out?
He was driving at 20mph, hit some black ice, and over he went. In a blink of an eye. I'm just glad that God isn't finished with him here, yet. When was the last time that you told people that you care about, how you feel? Well, it's been too long, don't you think? It only takes a split second for something like this to happen, to Anyone. Please be careful out there
It was still a beautiful lake, and the frozen part was breath taking. Really need to enlarge it, to appreciate it.
I am very excited about tomorrow night. It's the Toy's 4 Tots, Hope for the Holidays at Ann's house. Sheriff Cannon should be on hand, to personally thank everyone for their contributions. I think the figures says that there are something to the effect of ~~~250~~~ families that need help this year in Trenton. Just in Trenton. That is a LOT of people that aren't going to have as good of a Christmas, as some of us. Please, take time to remember the reason for the Season, and those that are less fortunate than you are.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I'm sorry that it has taken me a while to post all of these. Work has been crazy, and that's not a complaint. I am very thankful to even have a job in these times,,,but, hey it's going to get better !
This picture is of Dottie & Doris carrying our banner in the Christmas Parade, in Trenton.
Here's the email that Doris sent out. Seems that we won 1st place in a catagory this year. Check it out.
I am proud to announce that our Christmas float won 1st price, in the Civic category, from the Dade County Chamber of Commerce. We will be awarded a plaque, which will be proudly displayed. I want to thank Rick 2 for, once again, coordinating construction of our Christmas float with assistance from John Stokes, Keith, Tami and Nancy.
Dottie and I were honored to carry the "Hang Glider Pilots of Lookout Mountain" banner in front of the float. The parade did seem to move faster this year, Dottie and I were at a fast walk for the entire route, maybe due to the cold, or could it be that my age is starting to show and trotting for a mile and a half is taking it's toll.
Rick 1, Rick 2, Tami, Ken, Dottie, John S, Keith and Melody all participated in the parade, plus Ray took pictures, so I want to sincerely thank all of the above for volunteering and helping to make our appearance so successful.
We impressed the citizens of Dade County and had soooooooo much fun doing it. The good will and publicity this generates is immeasurable. If any of you are interested in seeing a photo of our float, you can log onto a local online Dade County newspaper at http://www.discoverdade.com/themountain~valleyindependent.htm. Rick Sr., and Rick Jr. in the back of the float.
John Stokes was at the wheel again this year(Aka: S.O.A.R. South), and kept the glider out of the trees again. Rick Jr.'s girlfriend, Tammy, was on hand also to throw candy at the children again. Opps, throw candy TO the kids.
Monday, December 08, 2008
I have a picture of Lucas & his lovely wife that I took especially for this post saturday night at the Tennessee Tree Toppers Christmas party. I didn't have time to edit any of them, much less post them before I had to head out for work the next day. I will post some of those when I get back home. All the pictures will be on the TTT website, for all to enjoy. Plus, a short story with them about who won the "flight of the year", and who was named," TTT most valuable member".
Please, click on the link below to help get our sport in the publics eye, in a positive manner ! Plus, Lucas(like any of us)would love to win the $15,000. PLUS, if you enter the sweepstake, you could win a video camera.
Hi everyone,
I'm sending out one more email to beg for votes because I made it to the finals!
Now it is between me and a guy who ties neckties.
Today, Monday, is the beginning of the last round and voting ends Wednesday. You can vote once a day at:
Thanks for everyone's support!
Monday, December 01, 2008
Lucas is almost in the finals on his new Hang Gliding video competition, for Excedrine. To promote the best sport on the planet, I hope everyone( especially every pilot out there!), goes and votes for his clip. Takes less than a minute to do so. Would it not be GREAT to see one of us on national TV???? Please, go vote.
Tomorrow Round 2 starts!
Lookout Mountain got it's first dusting of the season. I guess Dish isn't that hot, after all !