How would you feel if someone you loved was in this Jeep? Well, my Dad was in it. He wasn't hurt at all, however, it totalled it. He didn't call me because he was fine. I was upset when I found out. I felt that he should have called,,,however, how do you give your Dad a time out?
He was driving at 20mph, hit some black ice, and over he went. In a blink of an eye. I'm just glad that God isn't finished with him here, yet. When was the last time that you told people that you care about, how you feel? Well, it's been too long, don't you think? It only takes a split second for something like this to happen, to Anyone. Please be careful out there
It was still a beautiful lake, and the frozen part was breath taking. Really need to enlarge it, to appreciate it.
I am very excited about tomorrow night. It's the Toy's 4 Tots, Hope for the Holidays at Ann's house. Sheriff Cannon should be on hand, to personally thank everyone for their contributions. I think the figures says that there are something to the effect of ~~~250~~~ families that need help this year in Trenton. Just in Trenton. That is a LOT of people that aren't going to have as good of a Christmas, as some of us. Please, take time to remember the reason for the Season, and those that are less fortunate than you are.
Hey Ray,
That there was one of them Barred Owls up there in Wes' Virginny!
John Stokes
Seems that you have one of those critters in your bird show.
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