Lucas( as a midget pirate), and Angela( as Vodoo princess) won 1st place this year.
I will see if Dan Barker will post the rest of them for us again this year. I will let everyone know when/if that happens.
When once you have tasted flight, you will always walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward. For there you have been, and there you will always long to be. Leonardo da Vinci
Lucas( as a midget pirate), and Angela( as Vodoo princess) won 1st place this year.
This film was made by a 15 year old girl.
The following is the hottest thing on the internet and on Fox News today.
Lizzie Palmer who put this YouTube program together is 15 years old.
There have been over 3,000,000 hits as of this morning.
In case you missed it, here it is.
Watch all of it.......! and keep safe
God bless all servicemen and their families
Most powerful video I have seen in a long time. Also, there is a website that you can go to, to leave them a message.
It only takes a minute to send them a message. You wont get any spam mail because of it, and I know that they need to see/hear it .
John Stokes, from S.O.A.R., has finally posted his video with Osceola( the one winged American Bald Eagle that was injured in a hunting accident). It's a very moving video clip, well worth the watch ! His home page link is over to the right, it also is worth a look, and maybe post a comment or two.
Great Job John. If you have the recording from "Good Morning, America", you should post that also !
We have a woman's world team champion that lives here at Lookout Mtn. that does incredible silk paintings as an art form. She is starting to share her talent with whomever would like to learn. Here is some information on the classes. Small price to pay to learn how to do this! I own a couple of her pieces, and they are a truly beautiful addition to my home !
Claire will start providing silk painting classes at her home. The classes will be scheduled on request from 10:00AM until 3:00 PM Thursdays through Sundays (bring your lunch). Private lessons will be scheduled for one or two students per class and include all materials. Each student will leave the class with a 18 x 18 inch silk piece suitable for framing or for making a pillow case. Following this introductory class, more advanced sessions will also be available.
Class price: One student - $150 per day
Two students - $100 per student per day
During the class the following will be covered:
- Stretching of silk on frame
- Serti water resist method
- Painting techniques, color, design and special effects
Gift certificates are available. Classes can be made suitable for children age 10 or above.
If you are interested or for more detail contact me via email, and I will give you their numbers. For security reasons, I wont list them on here. After all, she's a friend, lol.
This first picture is a friend of mines son, AJ. He's the brave young man 3rd back on the right, swearing in the United States Marine Corps. I have known this young man for a very long time, and this is not a sight that I thought I would ever see from him. I am very proud of him, and I know that he will make a heck of a Marine! Semper Fi, AJ ! I changed the video for him also. Yesterday cloudbase was at 4,800 feet. I got whited out for a long period of time. It was almost impossible to navigate, however, my nav. system in the car got me thru just fine, ha ha! Hey, I can hope and dream can't I??!!
This is a video clip from the last day of the Team Challenge. It's a tandem with Clark Harlow and Cathi Hayes. I think the flight lasted over 2 hours. Check out the TTT website for all the information. Great stuff !
I returned from Oklahoma with these two pics. It was a gorgious sunset there on my way home. Sometimes a photographer sees shots everywhere, other times,,,,,,you get 2 shots. Of course, I was only there for 3 days. We were suppose to head to Pheonix next week but it was postponed.
New York City, Texas, then to Oklahoma,,,,, welcome the time at home.
This is most of the pilots that flew in the Team Challenge '08. I understand that a couple of folks had already left earlier in the week. I do wish that Ollie would have been in this one, as much as he did this last week!After a week of all the coordinating, all of the seminars, the awards ceremony, after everything was done, Ollie Finally took a well deserved break and relaxed for a moment. Probably the first one in a week. Job well done !
These are the last of the Texas pics that I will be posting. I was able to get home for the last day of the Team Challenge. Just long enough to visit at the start of the day, and I was able to attend the awards ceremony that evening. I will be editing the pictures that I took, and sending them to friends, and of course posting the best ones on here. I can honestly say from the short time that was able to spend with old friends, that I in fact missed a really special event this year. I am saddened by missing it, however, I know that next year that if it is within my power,,,I will be a part of the Team Challenge '08. You looking at ME? :^}