This is from my friends, John and Dale Stokes. They are the owners of S.O.A.R. South, here in Northern Georgia. A link to their website is over in the right hand margin, and it's a very informative and interesting blog!
The above short video is comprised of 2 of their shows that was done in August. It gives you a feel of what their shows are like for the public. Great stuff. I never get tired of seeing it !
I Fly 4 Funn
When once you have tasted flight, you will always walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward. For there you have been, and there you will always long to be. Leonardo da Vinci
Friday, January 29, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
I was in Lake Charles Parish this week working. The entire area was rich with the spanish moss, large live oak trees, trees growing over the roads, swamp, Baudoin ball and links, great food, and something I hadn't been around before,,,,some of the Wild life. Come to find out,,,alligators and crocodiles are everywhere.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Osceola, the one-wing Bald Eagle, flys again. This is a clip from a few years ago. If you've never seen it,,,it really warms the heart of every animal lover. A hunter shot this eagle, and it lost a wing. John Stokes,S.O.A.R. south, takes it for a flight, which it would never get to do, otherwise.
Can you just imagine what she is thinking as they are flying? I imagine that it did her spirit a lot of good !
Friday, January 15, 2010
These are some of the pictures that I've taken during this frozen month. I took way to many of them to post them all here, but here are some of them. Hope you enjoy. There has been some flying, but only by some of the polar bears, lol. Seriously, thought about it a couple of times, and even got dressed for it,, however, just couldn't put the glider on the jeep. Just don't like the cold that much just yet. I'm sure the need for some airtime will out weight the cold soon, tho'. The spectacular 1st waterfalls.
I have posted all the pictures from this month on my facebook page. Under: January & then another one, Cloudland Canyon. I'm unable to post very many pictures on here, because of the size, but on facebook I can put up to 200 pic per album. I do hope that you enjoy them.
Monday, January 04, 2010
The high temps today was 24 degrees here on top of Lookout Mountain. I love flying, alot. However, John Cristoff loves it more. He was flying today. I'm going to have to see if I can't layer up enough to stand this cold. I saw some pictures from some of our friends to the north, with snow falling and covering the upper surface of the sail. Got to be a trick to it, OR they must be part polar bear?! lol
The small ponds around here are getting solid. It's suppose to snow later in the week. We will see about that. If it does,,it's not going to be pretty around here ! Well, driving conditions won't be, anyway !