Friday, June 26, 2009

They say that bad things happen in 3's. Farrah Fawcett, Ed McMahon, and now Michael Jackson.

This is not a debate on what kind of man he was,,I didn't know him. I have, however, danced many many hours to his music back in the day. Many hours of great entertainment, until things went south for him. I am sorry for the loss of a great entertainer !

Farrah Fawcett,,, what a shame, sorry Ryan. She was the heartthrob of every American male during her prime. She fought a valiant fight.

At least Mr. McMahon had a full, and an unblemished life!

Hope we don't loose anymore ! But, the longer that we live,,,

the more of these we will see !


At 7:38 AM, Blogger hgpilot said...

AMEN to that! Great comments on Farrah.


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