Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dad ! ! !

This is the person that I admire most in the world. I am what I am today because of Him, and my Mom. He sets some high standards for me to live by. A code of living that not many people can live up to. I try hard, however, sometimes I fall short. Probably always will. I think the most important thing, is the trying the best that I can, part. I know he had doubts in me back in my drinking years, however, I think He is a believer now that He can see that I'm serious about my soberity and am enjoying a better life on that path. I know that He loves me because he has shown me some real Tough love, in the past. It made me a stronger person. Of course, at the time I was not at all happy about it, and I really didn't mean those words that I said, haha!

I credit him with my passion for flying. When I was but a lad, he would take me on trips with him in the company single engine Cessna airplane heading to a new site under construction. He would even let me fly it, sometimes. Then, high school came around, girls, band, drivers licenses, you know, more important things. Plus, the 40' chainlink swing we used to soar on. It all came rushing back to me, the first time that I saw hang gliding. Just had to at least try it. And, like most of us, that's all that it took. I was hooked the first time my feet left the ground. I hope someday soon, I can share my flying with him. At least once, I hope, He gets to see me fly.

This is a big birthday for him,,, he just broke into the 70's, and you would never know it to see, or talk with him. I'm really proud of him for working out,swimming, and keeping as fit as he does. That only means that He will probably outlive me ! I don't know if he could stand that or not, after loosing 2 children and a wife, at young ages, however, I'll hang- in there if you will Dad !!!
Love you much ! Your Son, Ray


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