Sunday, January 27, 2008

Lookout Mtn. Flight park had it's second very successful annual Chili-cook-off last night. Lee organized it again this year, and did a marvelous job at it. I don't know the exact head count, however, I believe that it was over 100 hungry folks showed up for this middle of the winter off season party. There were 15 entries this year( 7 entries last year), a keg (which probably added to the numbers, haha), and all the fixing to go with it. Thanks to all that donated chili, the cornbread makers, volunteers that put out all the fixings, and Rick Jr. (shown below, and first in line) for playing his guitar & singing during the get-together.
Lia won 1st place this year, and recieved $105.00 as prize money. Followed by: Nancy took 2nd,,, Rochelle took 3td, and Carl & I tied for 4th.

I couldn't get a shot with everyone in it. However, think you can see from this shot,,which is about 1/2 of them, that everyone is ready for warmer & more flyable weather season. I truely miss the saturday, weekend get together with families and friends. I have had enough cold weather to last me the rest of the year !! ! !!

I don't know if my picture of the deer , inspired him or not, but Dub got a nice 9 pointer last week. I believe that it was a 10 pointer, and one of the points broke off. He is going to mount this one for his living room wall. I just know Cindy will be oh so pleased, haha! Congrats bro!


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