Thursday, January 17, 2008

We actually got some snow this year, on top of Lookout Mtn.. 3" worth. Hopefully, it will kill all the bugs for this next year.

I shot a 16 pointer this year(with my camera). This pic is for Dub,,,I couldn't do what he wanted me to do, don't think google would bail me outta jail, haha!

Let's take a little journey back in time. Can you imagine back in the day when there was only the different tribes of Indians in North America? Back when the Indian cheifs would name certain things, and places. Indians are responsible for naming a large amount of town, and places. Every man can speak a little bit of the language. If you dont believe me,, imagine this. The Cheif has just come to rest in this beautiful place, and it's time to name it. All the braves and himself are sitting around talking about the days hunt, and trying to come up with a name. When out of the quiet evening air, comes his wife demanding him to do something,,,,,,, thus the name.

I had to pull over after taking this pic, best laugh that I've had in months ! ! ! Hope that you can see the humor.


At 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can you NOT see the humor? the colors are great too!
Great pics, Ray! ~~:P~~

At 10:33 PM, Blogger Ray's blogger said...

Thanks,,, it was great funn too!

At 2:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a buck! My sheboss said I can't have it. Gotta steal of a deal on a like new 2004 Sensor 152 sq ft. glider for David. Got it at Ft. Bragg when Cindy and I went to welcome home Brannon from Iraq. Man I'm glad he is out of that country. Can;t wait till we are in the air together!


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