I put the pictures above first, for my buddy ~~ Dub ! I'm sure he wants to see them more than any of the rest of these. He is always calling me and telling me about HIS fly days when I can't fly,,,,,sooo I thought I would repay the favor. After all,,, what are friends for, haha! SMACK!

This pilot's name is "Stack". He really made me feel welcome while I was there. He is one of the biwingual tandem pilots that works here. I can't count how many "discovery flights" he and the other guys gave just the afternoon that I was there. All of those were paragliding tho', because the wind was wayy to light to try it on a hang glider!
I rented a glider to fly while I was there. He hooked me up with a 195 "Attack Falcon". It was the best flying, and coolest looking Falcon that I have ever flown. The sail was tight, and you could see thru it. Reminded me of a Talon's sail. I flew for an hour 1/2 in some light thermal & nice gentle ocean ridge lift. I made sure that I stayed in the lift band while flying since the walk up their 400' cliff thru sand didn't appeal to me any! ! I knew that it was time for me to land when I started to worry about altitude. I had my first top landing there also. That was funn just in itself, haha. I took a lot of pictures both in the air, and on the ground. I'm just posting a few of them. Maybe you will see some of the rest of them in the Hang gliding/Paragliding magazine.

This is the building that the Torrey Pines Glider Port uses. Maya and David, the owners, are some really special folks. I don't know exactly how many people learn about our sport, and get their first experience here, but I would bet it's in the 1,000s. And sooo many spectators that come just to watch, it's unbelievable. You wouldnt believe the size of the waivers also, haha! ! If you EVER get a chance to come here to fly, I would highly recommend it.
These are two new friends of mine that I met while I was here. Donnita & Brad. When I first arrived to the site, she was on Brad's wires during his launch. I walked up to her after he was in the air, and started asking all kind of wuffo questions, and I think she picked up on it, and we got a good laugh out of it. Anyway, they told me all about the do's and don'ts of the place, where to go for the best lift,etc.... What any great locals do with a visiting pilot. I wish I could have shared more airtime with them. Maybe they will come to Lookout Mtn. Flight Park and fly with us here!! Also met a great guy from Ringgold there, that makes Smitty's beef Jerky. I hope he comes over also, and brings 2 things---His paraglider & yeahhh, some jerky! !
Hey Ray,
Cool Pics, would love to see them all. Was the water cold. I am so jealous, I love Torrey. Stack is the best, I'm glad he hooked you up. Look forward to meeting you soon.
Hi Ray,
It was a pleasure meeting you at Torrey. I hope you know what a rare thing it is to show up for 1 day only and get to fly! Even more rare was the lack of crowds. I see you were on Calif. time as the cliff got 100 ft. higher, (it's 300 ft. asl) the flight got longer and you got taller and better looking. Great photos. Can't wait to see the rest. Look us up if you are ever out west again.
Brad & Donnita Hall
Emily--I have no idea about the water temp., thankfully, haha! I think I have found a place to post the rest of my pics.
Brad, you and your wife were a blessing for me! Yeah, I know how lucky that I was that day. Guess it was fate, or just the Lord smiling upon me.
Please look me up also, if you 2 ever get this way! Wont have to worry about a place to stay or food, etc...!
Thanks Ray. Keep a light on for us.
For emily...water temp today 59 deg. Gets up to 70 in the summer.
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