My morning started at 3am today, and anyone that knows me,,,even a little bit, knows that I'm not really that much of a morning person(cough). However, duty calls and I show up. My job has taken me to lovely sunny California for the next 2 weeks. This week looks like it's going to be in and around the Los Angeles area. My flight got me in town at 11AM,(pacific time)arggg. The good part of that---I had the rest of the day to see a little of the area.
Back in the 70's, I was stationed at MARTD~NAS, Santa Ana. To say the area has changed a little bit in those short years,,,is an understatement.
If you don't know where this picture is,,,you must be under a rock somewhere but, It's of LAX airport in Los Angeles, California.
This is Redondo Beach. Notice that the entire hill in the background is covered in homes. I am very sure every one of them cost a pretty penny!

This is the Long Beach area where this shot is taken. This is a bunch of beginning Kitesurfers, kiting on the sand before their instructors will let them get into the surf. Basically, to keep them from drinking too much saltwater unintentionally. Met one of them,Mike, and of course started talking about the wind. He wants to learn to paraglide, and will be in Nashville for school this August, so I plan on hooking him up with the SPPs! Southern Paraglider Pilots. What a bunch of great guys! Dan Beck ROCKS! But, you know me,,, will try and tempt him to get a tandem hanggliding flight before he goes to the silk, hahaha! The way I look at it honestly tho', we are All birdwannabe's! What ever it takes to get someone into the wind !

The Queen Mary across the bay, in Long Beach. The beaches here never end, they just change names. For someone not from here,, you never really know where you're at.

What would a bunch of pictures of California be, without at Least 1 picture of some palm trees?!
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