The Lookout Mountain Flight parks Halloween party was tonight. There was Uncle Lightning playing for our dancing pleasure, kegs of beer, and a Catered meal. The Policewoman Robin shown here busy serving all the food up. Be careful,,if you don't pay,,,she may have to handcuff you. Wendy and I got made up like Jack & Sally, from Tim Burton's Nightmare before Christmas. I don't think that we did half bad. Wendy looked marvelous !
We even had a celebrity show up, with her son in tow. Funny, I thought she would be taller.
Mikey won the costume contest with ----The 1 night stand.
The USHPA Board of Directors were on hand this evening, also.
If you wasn't able to make this Halloween Party, you really missed a good one. Maybe see you next year !
I Fly 4 Funn
When once you have tasted flight, you will always walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward. For there you have been, and there you will always long to be. Leonardo da Vinci
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