Sunday, June 04, 2006

If you look at the windsock, you can see that it was honking sometimes(very strong winds). It was very unstable air today, which makes for some great flying. It was kind of rowdy, so I was very happy just to take pictures on the ground. I was a bit busy with the task at hand----flying, haha ! There had to be close to 30+ flights taken today. Lots of people came and and watched also. The new ramp has some problems which will be fixed, however, very safe SWEET launch ! 9 gliders in this pic. Standing invite to come out and watch-----or maybe a tandem! You will never forget it! 90 years olds, all the way down to 8-9 year olds have taken flights here. We do 1,500 tandems a years with --0---accidents within the last 10 years. Soo, we got the best if your up for the challenge.


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