I have been doing night testing in Lexington, Kentucky this week. When I was younger, staying up all night wasnt a big deal. Well, Im not as young, or as good looking as I use to be! So, to say this one has beat me up a bit, would be about right. My boss asked me if I could do another day after I got back and I just had to smile. I know she was only concerned about how I was feeling. However, if I am okay physically and the company needs me, then its my responsiblitiy to take care of business. I am Her employee, it is not my place to question where, or how long I will work. I dont care where she sends me, as long as she sends me !
A friend of mine, Jim S., gave me a book to read not long ago. The Greatest Miracle in the World. Fantastic book. One of the things that it takes about, one of the important points, is that no matter what we do, we should always go the extra mile in anything that we do. I have always tried to do that in all of my affairs. It gives me the satisfaction of knowing, when I am thru with whatever task that it is, that I have given my best. Im not trying to impress anyone but myself. And when I compete, I normally compete that way also. Except when I fly my hang glider with my best friend Dub, thennnnn... well, thats a different story, haha ! !
I came across this Carly Simon song tonight, after coming in off the road. I love the latin dances in ballroom dancing. So much passion, and heat between the partners. This song would be great to dance too. Also, in the video part, theres alot of sand & Waves ! I miss the waves. Maybe I will be able to get back to them soon.
I Fly 4 Funn
When once you have tasted flight, you will always walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward. For there you have been, and there you will always long to be. Leonardo da Vinci
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