Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Question of the day--

I had to think about this one a very long time. Here is what I came up with.
I would give everyone on the planet Earth the gift of "Enough". If someone has the email, it would be better than my poor attempt to reproduce it, however will give it a shot.

I would give everyone Enough Love--Where no one would ever feel like they are ever alone again in this great big world. It would be so strong, they could wrap it around themselves like a blanket. With enough love, there would be no need for War, or the deaths, or sacrificies that it demands from us.

I would give Enough tenderness-- so that we would never think our day was so bad, that we couldnt see when someone else is really hurting inside, or to miss the opportunity to reach out a helping hand when someone needs it, or to reach out our hands when we are in need, and get over our selfish pride, or simply to give someone an encouraging word, or to make them smile once today.

I would give Enough time--- so that they could finish their school work, house work, work, art projects, honeydew lists, hug their children, hug their spouse, good book, conversations, or to be able to enjoy a pretty sunset/sunrise. Wouldnt give too much time, just enough because too much time on a persons hands will test the fortitued of the strongest of individuals, and then they become stagnant. When a person isnt growing, they are dying.

I would give Enough patience--- so that our lives wouldnt be controlled by our emotions running amuck, or road rage, or anger with other people/kids when the do something that we think is dumb,etc..., or when someones path isnt the one that we think they should take.

I would give Enough money---so that everyone could pay their bills, and lights would never get cut off, or no one would loose their house, or place to live, or just the basis staples of life as most have come take for granted.

I would give Enough loneliness-- so that we would have to seek out people like ourselves that were hurting, thus creating a tighter relationship with our fellowman.

I would give Enough food--- so no one had to go to bed today hungry. No children would die from starvation, no mother would have to rock a crying child to sleep because they are hungry, but just enough so we dont get complacient, or lazy.

I would give Enough toys - so that every child could have a favorite, not just the only one, or none at all.

I would give Enough---ice cream(blue belle), chocolate(any kind), ice cold milk, strawberry cheesecake, etc... think you can figure out the reason for this one!

I hope your day has Enough in it. What a glorious world this would be again, if everyone chose just one of these, most are free, and gave it priority in their lives???

Gentle breezes & a very MERRY CHRISTMAS


At 8:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think i could top that one Flys,,it is a good one ,,,

At 9:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll take come chocci ice cream!

Thank you for the birthday message, *hugs*!

At 9:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that would be..."some", not "come" ..hahaha

At 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I could alter one thing in this world, it would be to change everyone's hearts to believe in God and let him do his work. With his love in our hearts, your "Enough" could happen. It sounds like your heart is already in the right place.
Merry Christmas, Sweetie!


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